'Cinema' was a series of Skype chats that mainly included two of my friends, where we'd have guests from all sorts of places. In particular, a major portion of the crowd came from League of Legends, and the name Cinema came from a Skrillex song; needless to say, said game and musician were the last of the topics that spawned in these chats. And rarely, ironic as it may be, would we even discuss movies. The chats grew and shrank as visitors grew and lost interest.
Somewhere along the line, we spontaneously regarded these chat sessions with utmost respect and referred to it not just as a Skype group, but we could simply speak of 'Cinema' and know that it was a group of people who had some time on their hands to burn--with their keyboard. There would be days where there would just sit a few YouTube and Tumblr links, and there would be days with intense philosophical discussion, but everyday we knew that there was a Cinema that would register and listen to the words and ideas on our mind.
We proudly present and welcome to Cinema V4.